In 1887 some folks in our community wanted to have a local church where they could worship. Our humble beginnings were in an old store and later the Zack Hines School building. Greenfield Baptist accepted the new converts until a sanctuary could be built. There were two preferred sites and in 1888 when a consensus could not be reached they built on a site "Midway" between the two and the name stuck.

Our current educational building was built in 1967 and was expanded and remodeled in 2003. Our present sanctuary was built in 1952 and was expanded and remodeled in 2008 to be able to seat IN excess of 300.

We still hold dear the simple principles of Christian faith on which Midway was founded. Our worship style is blended to include traditional hymns as well as more contemporary worship music.

Midway is affiliated with the Staunton River Baptist Association, the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

About Our Church

Thought to be the Zach Hines school in which the church met, prior to having their own building

Old Midway Sanctuary

Modern Day Midway